Quick Check Food Facts

Quick Check Food Facts, published by Barron’s Educational, provides comprehensive nutrition information on vegetables, fruits, cereal, grains, pasta, dairy, eggs, meats, fish, poultry, baked products, snacks, sweets, processed foods and more. Use this convenient guide with daily nutrition goals, healthy shopping tips, and pros and cons related to each food category to improve food choices while at the grocery market, ordering take-out or restaurant dining.

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The Great Weight Debate

The Great Weight Debate is your essential, trusted resource to sift through the minefield of recommendations and misinformation when choosing the best diet for weight-loss success.


The doctor of the future will no longer treat the human frame with drugs, but rather cure and prevent disease through nutrition

– Thomas Edison

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The Great Weight Debate

The Great Weight Debate

Dear Friends, It’s hard to believe my last post was four years ago but as I type it’s hard to believe it’s only been four years. They have been very full. I travelled to two new parts of our beautiful globe, French Polynesia and Greece. I fulfilled my goal of becoming...

Motivating Idea For Exercise

Motivating Idea For Exercise

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Hard To Lose Weight If You Eat To Fit In

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